Sunday, May 11, 2008

Be Still

Psalm 46:10a says, "Be still and Know that I am God". Steven Curtis Chapman sings a song about this which I have found myself humming ALOT lately. In May of 2007 I graduated from Trinity Christian College with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Psychology. I was excited to be done and on to a new career, something out of the medical field. Now here I am back to working in the medical field. I want out so bad. I love helping people but in this aspect. I want out of my job so bad. I am all but burned out. I have been stressing that no one will want me since all my work experience is medically related. I need a better paying job as well as simply a new line of work. This is a time where I am simply having to be still and know that God is God and that He will provide my needs and a new job in the right field at the right time. Lord, help me to be patient and wait, trusting that You will provide. Help me to be still and know that You ARE God.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

a dream come true

Over the past weekend, Adam and I took a road trip to Memphis, Tennessee to see Amy Grant in concert. For Valentine's Day, he bought me a membership to her fan club and the concert tickets. I didn't think this weekend was ever going to come but then it did. We had a good drive down there though I must confess I slept most of the way. On Saturday afternoon, Adam and I walked to the concert hall to attend the sound check. There was just a small group of us there for it. So we got to talk to Amy, get her autograph and take pictures with her. I was on cloud 9!!! That evening we got dressed up and walked to the concert hall to enjoy an awesome performance by Amy Grant, her band and the Memphis Symphony. It was absolutely amazing!!! It was also a dream come true. Amy Grant has always been my favorite singer. I think part of the reason is I remember growing up to her music. My mom still has some her original recordings on vinyl records. Her concert left me uplifted, encouraged, inspired and on cloud 9. Thank you Adam for making a dream come true for me!!