Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Well technically I don't turn 30 until 1245 but it's after midnight on the 24th so I'm celebrating!! There have been a few times I have cried about turning 30. There have been times I have been embarrassed to admit I'm turning 30. While I still don't plan on announcing to EVERYONE my age, I'm actually excited about it!! This evening at work (well I guess technically last night at work), I was told in report that one of my patients had died at about 0300. He was only 20 yrs old. His death was unexpected, sudden and left everyone in shock. At about 1600, the charge nurse came up to me to let me know that something that had never been done before was going to be done tonight. On my floor we have a balcony that overlooks the city. It has flowers and a water fountain. It's really pretty and relaxing. Anyway, PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) called wanting to reserve it and we allowed it. A 5 week old baby was going to be dying tonight. The baby had not left the hospital or been outside since it was born. It had been staying alive thanks to machines. Tonight the family decided to take the baby off the machines. They wanted to do it outside so the baby could be outside for a little bit before dying. I was discharging a patient when the family of the baby got off the elevator. The mom was in a wheel chair holding the baby which was slightly blue in color. A nurse was walking along side the mom squeezing air into the baby's tiny lungs through an ambu bag. There wasn't a dry eye. Both deaths were so sad. Both made me realize a bit more how excited I should be about my birthday. I am getting older and what an awesome thing! Not everyone makes it to live 30 years!! I have been so blessed. Ecc 3 talks about how there is a time for everything. I dont' know why today was the time for the 20 yr old boy and the 5 week old baby to die. I don't know why I have been blessed with 30 yrs of life. I just know that I have been so I should celebrate!! With that said....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with 30 great years of life!!
Reflections of sort.
Today is my last day in my 20's. The thought is both weird and exciting! It's weird to think that in less than 24 hours I'll be 30. It doesn't seem possible. I always thought by the time I would have a good paying job, my dream truck and be more financially set than I am right now. At times it is humbling to not be at that place in life. Even though I complain about it at times, I'm content where I am. I have a car that works, a job, a nice place to live, family and friends whom I love and who love me back. I have a good life. While it's kind of weird to know I'll be 30 tomorrow, I'm excited. I've heard it said that the 30s are better than 20s and well my 20s were pretty good. Tomorrow also marks another life milestone. A year ago
tomorrow is when mom and I loaded up Lil Red to get ready for our road trip to Iowa. On September 26th we got up early and hit the open road. I can't believe that in a few days I'll have been in Iowa for a whole year!!! When we were driving out here, I remember telling God "Whatever it is you are bringing me to Iowa to learn, give me the openness to learn it fast so I can get back to California!" lol! Then December came and I got my first apt. I signed only a 6 month lease because I couldn't stand the thought of being stuck in Iowa due to
an apt lease. 6 months was bad enough. The 6 months came and went before I knew it. As much as I'd love to be back in California with my family, the ocean and In-N-Out, I know I am where God wants me and I don't want to be anywhere else. I have an awesome boyfriend. We recently started attending a new church that has alot of energetic people our age. I start a new job on the 13th of October. It is still in the medical field but in a different area. I am currently working at Mercy's hospital. On the 13th I'll be working at one of Mercy's clinics. I got hired on as a receptionist but I'll be doing a variety of things. I'm both nervous and excited. I'm having to take a slight pay cut but the positives outweigh that one negative. I'll be working Monday through Friday 0800-1630. I'll have every weekend off and all major holidays off. Yay! Things are going good. =) A few other things coming up that I'm looking forward to is a trip to Maryland that Adam and I will be taking the beginning of October. The end of October my parents will be arriving...YAY!!! I can't wait!!! Yes it's been quite a year. Some good and of course some not so good. I'm excited to see what the next year holds!
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